Unlike most of domestic film companies “The Sea Wolf. Movie story creation” is headed by a professional with years of experience in successful business project management – Aleksandra Maksimets who is the head of “Rosstroyconsulting” holding company which combines several well known companies and non profitable organizations.
Business and commercial projects management:
- One of independent structure divisions of the holding is in particular founded in 1995 “Engineering Consulting Company” which is trusted by the largest companies in their field from Ekson Neftegaz Limited and Sakhalin Energy to Ministry of defense of Russian Federation and “Sollers Far East” by the most important projects.
Non profitable companies and socially important initiatives: - The holding includes also a non profitable fund of promotion for territory complex development and branding – initiator of socially important projects aimed at Primorsky region (kray) development and at correction of current established image of the region. Events organized by the fund attract attention of entrepreneurs, social personalities, mass media and expert community by rising questions of territory strategic development, examining opening perspectives, building effective cooperation between government, business and society… and, finally, forming actual and full vision of information field of Far East which allows outlining topics and trends which require special attention.
Investor Relations:
- Holding companies are active in cooperation with domestic and overseas investors attracting financing for wide specter of projects – for example, including perspective concept of innovative tourist cluster “Ecoterra” or manufacture cluster investment project “Suchan-Coil”. Holding also has divisions specializing on communications, mass media connections and on formation of public opinion.